OPG update visit


Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is one of our industrial partners and is collaborating with us on two related projects. The first involves using a high-powered laser to clean oxides from metal surfaces, and the second the use of geopolymers to encapsulate ion exchange resins for disposal. Some OPG scientists and engineers visited us here at Western on 1st November, 2018, so that we could update them on our research progress. Since the last update visit, the laser has been set up in a safety enclosure with a dust extraction system and we have carried out some preliminary oxide collection tests. Oxides have been grown on carbon steel under different conditions and we are progressing towards an understanding of how different oxides compositions and thicknesses affect the cleaning efficiency. Ryan has measured the porosity, compressive strength and leaching properties of the geopolymers he has produced, comparing them to cementitious materials with very promising results.